[Pending] AFR 001: Set Protocol Whitelisting/Investing

Set Protocol Whitelisting/Investing



  • Set protocol creates synthetic tokenized assets where underlying robo- or user-based trading strategies are employed to maximize investor return and minimize losses. Set tokens each have their own strategy and encompass a variety of digital assets.

  • Akropolis users would benefit from being able to DCA/Invest in whitelisted Set protocol tokens - allowing them to integrate trading strategies they may not know or have time to be successful at.

  • Akropolis governance (via AKRO) can be used to determine what Set protocol tokens are whitelisted within the dashboard.


Set protocol tokens allow users to integrate trading strategies they may not know or have time to be successful at. As Akropolis is aiming to become a hub for decentralized investment, it makes perfect sense to provide users the ability to DCA into pre-determined Set protocol tokens (determined via AKRO governance). Of course, a risk associated with this is that poor quality strategies are whitelisted via governance. However, in the end it is up to the user whether to invest in a particular token or not. Risk scores could be added during the whitelisting process in an effort to minimize any negative impact to users.